Tailormade trips
It's the perfect solution for independent travel in Sicily . Having your entire itinerary planned before you arrive in Sicily is easier than you think .
If you want to visit Sicily " on your own" without a tour group , our personalized planning service is for you .
We can work closely with you to figure out the most appropriate itinerary and most efficient organization for your trip. Following our conversation , we'll prepare an itinerary , showing the day - by - day organization of the trip and making suggestions about accommodations and transportation.
Once the itinerary is approved , we make all the arrangements required: car rental , air tickets , villa rental, hotel and country inns bookings, museum reservations , and other special needs such as : local tour guides ; drivers guide ; transfers ; minibus + driver and so on.
To receive a free quote and program , simply fill out our " Personalize your trip" form and we'll be pleased to send you a "Personalized itinerary" , including price and our professional advice , based on what we believe is best and most logical for your travel plan.
If you find the description of one of our pre-planned tour ( see the section : our Itineraries) appealing , we can create it especially for you on a private basis , at almost any time of the year.
FranSicile can customize any vacation around a specific interest or special occasion .
For exemple: tour the vineyards of our region ; bike or hike along the picturesque mountains of Etna, Aeolian Islands or Madonie Park ; take a cooking class with a good chef;
And then : how about a golf vacation or a relaxing vacation in a spa Center or . a shopping expedition in Catania or Syracusa .
Contact us and let your wonderful vacation start.....
